Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Age of Technology

In this cartoon the boss is firing the worker because he had software that can do the job 20% better and for the half the cost than the employee.
Trough this illustration the artist is saying that we live in a technological age and that technology is taking too many people's jobs because it is cheaper and more efficient.
I agree with the artist's point in this cartoon. People lose their job everyday because a machine can do the same job more efficiently.
The negative message in this cartoon is that technology has too much of an influence in our society. People should do jobs, not computers. New technology eliminates people's jobs, from the self-checkout lines at the grocery store, to automated telephone operators, to software that can perform the same job as a human faster and cheaper. There is a subtle message in this cartoon and that is that technology should not take people's jobs. This is evident in the cartoon by the sulking posture of the employee being fired. This same line could have been used to advocate technology, but the grim appearance, and the employee sulking and the boss not being real happy either leads me to believe that the author is against technology taking over peoples jobs.

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