Thursday, April 17, 2008

That's no way to treat responsible residents

In this column the author uses contrast to create pathos. He contrasts the Quaide's house with the surroning neighborhood, and how their house is a oasis in a run down part of town. He says, "Let's start with the fact that their house and block are an oasis in an area that is just a disaster.
Just south of the Quades on West Parkway near McNichols, squatters roam from one empty house to another, destroying their innards and setting fires. I counted no fewer than 10 burned-out heaps between Fenkell and McNichols, many with garbage piled high on their porches and behind their wide-open doorways." He does a good job contrating the Quaid's with the rest of the neighborhood and the contrasting strenghtns his point by showing how Detroit has more things to worry about than an elderly couple's trash cans. By contrasting this, he creates pathos tfor the Quaides. The pathos comes when he says, ""That's as much as my utilities for the month," said Waldemar Quade, a retired tool and die maker for Ford Motor Co., who lives on a fixed income. He owns his house outright, and pays his bills on time. He hates owing anybody.
"I never have been so humiliated in my life as I have been with this stupid thing with the garbage container," " This passage comes after he contrasts their house with the rest of the neighborhood and then he comes with pathos to make the reader feel for the Quades. The readers feel an emotional response because he shows how this ticket impacts the Quade's life. That pathos only comes from the contrasting that he uses to show how the Quaide's should be the least of Detroit's worries, and then pathos come to make the reader feel like the Quades were unfairly treated and invoke an emotional response to this story.


Brian Hicks said...

good blog. I agree, the contrast he uses is a great tool. Of course, being the overacheiver you are you listed another great tool: pathos. Pathos is definately a tool he pretty much had no choice but to use, especially if he wanted an emotional response from the reader. All in all it was a great blog and I completely agree with it. Nice work.

David said...

Nice blog. You chose to quote sentences that proved your assertion that pathos was a great tool used in the writing. I totally agree with you.

Sarah said...

I really liked how you analyzed the article. I hadn't thought of pathos created by contrast. It's a great observation! The contrast between the Quade's home and the rest of the neighborhood definitely makes the reader feel for the Quade family.