Thursday, November 15, 2007

Assignment 1: Imus returning?

I am strongly opposed to Imus returning to the air. He made derogatory comments that were both hurtful and demeaning. It was as much a race issue as it was a gender issue. Yes, Rikleen brings up the point that Imus did apologize for his actions, but that is no consolation for the players he directed his comments at. Why would he even make those comments in the first place? His punishment of six months is nowhere near enough. Rikleen contradicts herself when she said that his punishment has not been enough. She says that there have still been incidents since Imus's, so why in the world should he be reinstated to the air? If you want to make a statement that this type of talk will not be accepted he should never be allowed on the air again. One example that she uses, Rush Limbaugh, supports my argument more than hers. What she fails to mention is that beside the recent comment that Limbaugh made he also directed racial slurs at Eagle's quarterback Donovan McNAbb. Limbaugh took alot of heat for that comment, and he is still making slanderous comments on the air. That goes to prove that someone who says something like that will eventually say it again. Imus should never be allowed on the air again because he will eventually make another dumb statement, but also to make a point to all other hosts that derogatory comments will not be accepted in America.


Brian Hicks said...

while common sense would say keep Imus off the air, I say that he should be given a second chance because almost everyone in our society is anyways and using him as an example would not prove to be very effective.

andrea said...

You claim that the people making these comments can not be stopped, and I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I agree that Imus' punishment was not suitable to the crime. On the other hand, I still insist that if the consequences for his actions WERE severe enough, there would be a change in others' attitudes and word choice.

David said...

While I do agree that Imus should not be allowed back on air for his previous comments, I do not agree with your reasoning behind this justification. You say that he should not be allowed back because it is inevitable that he will once again say a racial or gender related comment that will stir the people up, but I think that if given another chance, he would not make the same mistake twice. The reasoning for not allowing him back should be to show other radio show hosts and electonic people on air that the law will not tolerate that kind of behavior, and people who add personal racial comments that offend others will be punished.